Es sind sechs Bilder von Guido Klumpe in der Galerie vom Zufall und vom Glück in Hannover zu sehen zu sehen. Abstrakte Architektur Fotografie und minimalistische Street Fotografie, die eher wie ein Gemälde wirkt als Fotografie

Es sind sechs Bilder von Guido Klumpe in der Galerie vom Zufall und vom Glück in Hannover zu sehen zu sehen. Abstrakte Architektur Fotografie und minimalistische Street Fotografie, die eher wie ein Gemälde wirkt als Fotografie

Es sind sechs Bilder von Guido Klumpe im Kunstraum Benthe zu sehen. Abstrakte Architektur Fotografie und minimalistische Street Fotografie, die eher wie ein Gemälde wirkt als Fotografie

Es sind sechs Bilder von Guido Klumpe in der Galerie vom Zufall und vom Glück in Hannover zu sehen zu sehen. Abstrakte Architektur Fotografie und minimalistische Street Fotografie, die eher wie ein Gemälde wirkt als Fotografie
Galerie vom Zufall und vom Glück, Hannover, und Kunstraum Benthe, 2023 © Guido Klumpe
Guido Klumpe - Vita and CV
1971 Born in Osnabrück, Germany
Visually impaired. Blind on left side, 25% sight on right eye
Photographic study trip through Southeast Asia
Organization of workshops on portrait photography and photo development
Diploma in "Social Work", focus on work pedagogy,
Working and living in Hanover, Germany
Beginning of autodidactic photographic work
Single and double exhibitions:
Until June 2024: „Minimal City“, „Style Hannover“ e.V., Schwarzer Bär 4 - 3th floor, Hanover, Germany
24. Feb - 30. April: „(People in) Urban Landscapes“, "Home of X Gallery“, Nuremberg
June 13 - August 31: "Forwards to Backwards - Photographic research trip through Hanover" as part of the "Knäuel Kulturdreieck" of the city of Hanover
"Ins Blaue III-Architecture and contempary art" Hanover
Guest artist at the "Jesteburger Bürger*innen-Akademie für Kunst in öffentlichen Räumen", Jesteburg
"Das Gemeinsame im Verschiedenen", Gallery "vom Zufall und vom Glück", Hanover.
"Urban Conundrums", „Gallery space BugeSchäfer", Hanover
"Urban fragments", "Studio Stadt", Hanover
"Minimal City", "Style Hannover" e.V.
"The enigmatic in the everyday", "Kunstraum Benther Berg", Benthe
"People in urban landscapes", art space "J3FM"
"People in urban Landscapes", Ministry of the Interior Hanover
"People in urban landscapes", space for photography, Hanover
Group exhibitions:
28. Feb - 5. March: Xposure Festival, Sharjah, UAE
10.-12. March: „Image Nation“, New York, USA
1. June - 6. October, 25th NordArt Art Festival, Büdelsdorf, Germany
3. August - 15. August "SVi Artistic Street Photography Exhibition", Taipei City Arts Promotion Office, Taiwan
"Between Worlds", art gallery Intreal, Hamburg
"Lost in", art space J3FM, Hanover
"Neu im BBK", group exhibition, Eisfabrik, group exhibition, Hanover
49th Detmold Art Days, group exhibition, Detmold
free. go. open. away“m BBK, Hanover
"Street sans frontieres 2023", Galerie Joseph le Palais, Paris
"Street sans frontieres 2022", Galerie Joseph le Palais, Paris
"From the street - for the street" Co-organizer of the charity open air exhibition for the benefit of homeless people
Treviso Photographic Festival, Treviso, Italy
"24/9 Street", Gallery „J3FM“, Hanover
"3rd Digital Autumn Exhibition", Kunstverein Hannover
"TwoGether", Kunstforum S15, Hanover
"Photo Kiev Fair-Invisible Lives", Kiev, Ukraine
Treviso Photographic Festival, Treviso, Italy
"Urban Encouters", Haze Gallery, Berlin
HAZ, April 7, 2024: "Seven projects in the cultural triangle: Hanover gets new art in public spaces"
DOCU Magazin ´01´2023, Photo gallery
fotoMAGAZIN, ´02´2023 „Abstract photography" Workshop article
c´t Fotografie, ´05´2023 „Portfolio Guido Klumpe“, Interview and photo gallery
NDR-Hallo Niedersachsen, "The photo artist Guido Klumpe"
Gate 7-The Travel Podcast, ""It's not how much you see, it's how you see that matters!"
Style Hannover Magazine, "A two-dimensional world"
SAT 1 Regional, Jan. 17, 2022, "Guido Klumpe-Art with Handicap"
RTL Regional, "On the road with the almost blind photographer Guido Klumpe"
Hannoversche Allgemeine Zeitung Print, "The special look"
Neue Presse Hannover "Almost blind and still a photographer: Guido Klumpe lives his dream"
Almalusa.org "Less is More II. The minimalist photography book", Editor: Jorge Pinto
Pictures Magazine, ´9´2022 „Juxtapositions“ Workshop-article
Hannoversche Allgemeine Zeitung Online, "Guido Klumpe: Almost blind, but a successful photographer".
TV channel "H1", magazine show about "Urban Art" by "Exporter". To be seen on the home page here
Minimalist Photography Awards, "Annual Book 2021"
Almalusa.org "Less is More. The minimalist photography book", publisher: Jorge Pinto
Eyeshot Magazine, April 2021, portrait and photo series
All About Photography, "Best modern photographers of April 2021"
The Times, April 06, 2021, "In pictures-Winner of the All about photography magazine awards"
Open Eye magazine, issue 01/21, photo gallery
Streetphotography Berlin, "These Street Photographers from Germany will rule in 2021"
"Swiss Street Collective", interview and photo spread
Magazine Radius/30 Issue 01/2021, Portrait
Inoventa Awards, Annual Book, 2020
CHIIZ Magazine, issue 45, December 2020, photo spread
Minimalist photography awards, Annual Book 2020
Street Sweeper Magazine, issue #5 "In Color - The best 101 Photographers"
Streetphotography Foundation, gallery of the best street photographers
SOS-Soul of Street, issue #24, interview and photo spread
EYE-Photomagazine, issue #06: cover, interview and photo gallery
Lensculture, photo spread
Fine Art Photo Awards, 2nd place in the "Professional Abstract" category, honorable mention in the "Street photography" category
BNW Minimalism Awards, Finalist
Brussel street photography Festival, Finalist
Minimalist Photography Awards, „Fine Art Photograph of the year“, honorable mentions in the categories "Street" and "Abstract"
Paris Street Photography Award, Special mention, Finalist
Fine Art Photo Awards, winner in the category "Professional Street", honorable mention in the category °Professional abstract".
Lensculture - Critics Choice Award
Life Framer-Youth award, finalist
Urban Photo awards „Selected"
Minimalist Photography Awards, first place in the category "Open", honorable mentions in the categories "Street", and "Abstract"
Duane Michals MA-g Awards, Winner
The Fc'Diary Photo Magazine Award, Finalist
Paris Street Photography Award, Goldmedal in the category „Street Art“ and finalist
Minimalist Photography Awards, runner up in the "Abstract" category, honorable mentions in the "Street", and "Abstract" categories.
Urban Photo awards semi-finalist in the category "Projects and Portfolios".
Fine Art Photo Awards, 2nd place in the category "Professional abstract".
Life Framer, Color Awards, Honorable mention
All about Photography - Shadow Awards, 3rd place
Le prix de la Photography de Paris, Special Mention
Democratic Photo Award, Finalist
Paris Street Photography Award, Silver Medal in the category "Urbex and Minimalism" and Finalist
Minimalist Photography Awards, Two Honorable Mentions in the "Abstract" Category
German Streetphotography Festival, 3rd place in the single image category.
Paris Street Photography Award, gold medal in the category "Urbex and Minimalism"
Art calendar "Hannover Minimal", 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024
"Photography in the city", Rheinwerk-Verlag, Bonn, 2022, ISBN: 3836286807
BenQ Germany
Xiaomi World
Fujifilm Germany
ArtXville Germany
White Wall Germany
Artothek Hannover